The communication contains a dramatization and does not depict actual events or real persons.
* Does not include State Trademark Registration.Trademark Basic $199 fee is a per mark and does not include U.S. Government Trademark Filing Fees. There is a $385 trademark registration fee for each additional class.
** Does not include U.S. Government Copyright Filing Fees. Be prepared to submit an electronic file of your work by uploading your electronic file. We will need to file one copy of your work with the Copyright Office. You must upload an acceptable file type or convert your file to an acceptable file type before submitting your work to us. We will provide you a list of acceptable file types. If a hard copy is required, you must mail the hard copy to us. Extra minimum fees may apply. We will upload instructions to your online account on how to send us a copy of your work to us.
*** Office Action Response prices subject to change based on attorney evaluation.
**** Does not include Attorney Review. You are solely responsible for choosing the proper copyright form(s) to complete. After you complete the proper form(s), you must print your paper form(s) and prepare to submit it, along with a hard copy of your work. You must postal mail the paper form(s) and the hard copy of your work to the United States Copyright Office (USCO). Please note that there will be an $85 fee for a “Paper Filing” payable by check or money order to the USCO. Thus, it may be more beneficial for you to purchase our Copyright Registration package which includes attorney drafting, review, and mailing for $199, plus $55 “Electronic Filing” fees. “Electronic Filing” fees range from $35 – $55. “Paper Filing” fees (postal mail) are $85.
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(832) 699-5805 (TX)
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The communication contains a dramatization and does not depict actual events or real persons.
Legal Guide for Trademark & Copyright Law
Unsure about how to protect your intellectual property rights? Need help deciding on what course of action is right for you? If so, learn more about trademark & copyright protection and intellectual property rights now!
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