
Copyright Registration



1. Explanation of the Terms of this Agreement. Client is need of legal services and Attorney shall provide such and the parties agree to proceed on a limited scope legal services arrangement. "Limited scope" means Attorney assists Client only in the following ways as described in this document. Unless otherwise stated in this agreement, Attorney does not speak for or represent Client. by Vonnie C. Dones III, ESQ is not a pre-paid legal service; it is an online legal practice where you are charged a one-time fee for limited legal services related to New Jersey, New York, or Federal law. by Vonnie C. Dones III, ESQ. provides unbundled legal services. This means that the legal services provided by us only extend to those services of which you have requested and purchased and we have provided. After you have purchased a service and we have agreed to provide it and have completed the work, you cannot expect us to perform in any additional capacity

2. Scope of Agreement and Services.

The only legal services that MAY be promised by the Attorney in this Agreement are:

- Guidance and procedural information for filing or serving court documents

- Review of documents prepared by Client

- Review of documents prepared by opposing party/counsel

- Document drafting

- Negotiation

- Legal Research and analysis

- Ongoing Appearance

- Help clients prepare for depositions

- Planning for negotiations

- Planning for court appearances

The legal service package and optional features that you purchase will determine the limited scope of legal services you will be provided. by Vonnie C. Dones III, ESQ has not agreed to attend a hearing or trial on your behalf or provide any legal services extending beyond those services which you have purchased and we have agreed to provide. We only provide limited legal assistance and document preparation and review. After performing the services purchased by you, we have no further obligation to you.

You are making no commitment to use our services at any time in the future. We have not agreed to represent you by, for example, going to a hearing or trial with you, preparing your case for trial or providing any legal assistance other than the limited legal advice services listed on the page that describes the particular service that you are purchasing from this web-site. We have no further obligation to you after completing the task that you have purchased.

This means that unless we expressly agree to undertake services after the services, you don't expect me to do anything else, and I don't expect you to pay me anything else. We have not agreed to represent you by, for example, going to a hearing or trial with you, preparing your case for trial or providing any legal assistance other than the limited legal advice and legal document preparation services authorized by this form.

3. Effective Date. Our agreement to advise you begins at the time you accept this completed Agreement for Limited Advice and Legal Services and have received payment of your fee through our credit card system and will end after we have provided you the task or service that you have purchased.

4. Attorney's Fee. Client agrees to pay Attorney a fee as follows:

Flat Fee. Client agrees to pay Attorney for the agreed limited services at a flat fee.

5. No Guarantee. Attorney makes no promises or guarantees about the outcome of the Client's matter. If we prepare a document for you, such as divorce petition, and it requires filing procedures, you have agreed to take responsibility for having the document filed properly and in compliance with any legal procedure, according to the instructions that we provide to you. We do not promise or guarantee any particular outcome.

We have made no further investigation of the facts and we rely entirely on you, the client, to provide us with the facts of your situation.

6. Costs, Expenses, and Other Expenditures. In addition to any fees listed in this Agreement, Client shall pay Attorney all out-of-pocket costs incurred in connection with this Agreement. Costs may include the following: long distance telephone and fax costs, copies postage, filing fees, and the like unless paid directly by Client. Attorney will not advance costs to third-parties on Client's behalf and Attorney will not pay filing fees, service of process fees, court costs, or other costs to any court unless specifically requested by Client and agreed upon in advance by Attorney.

Court costs are also part of a lawsuit. They include filing fees and service of process fees. We will not pay any costs associated with your case unless specifically requested by Client and agreed upon in advance by Attorney. These costs are your responsibility to pay.

7. Additional Services/Representation. The Client may request that Attorney provide additional services, or Attorney and Client may later determine that the Attorney should provide additional limited service or assume full representation. Attorney has no further obligation to Client and may accept or decline to provide additional services. If Attorney agrees to provide additional services, those additional services will be specifically listed in an amendment to this Agreement, signed and dated by both Attorney and Client.

If Attorney and Client agree that Attorney will serve as Client's attorney of record on all matters related to handling Client's Case, Client and Attorney will create an amendment to this Agreement, signed and dated by both the Attorney and Client.

8. Obligations of Client. Client intends to retain control over all aspects of the Case except those specifically assigned to the Attorney, and understands that he/she will remain in control of the Case and be responsible for all decisions made in the course of the Case. Client agrees to:

a. Assist Attorney and complete Attorney's requests for information (in whatever form it may appear) that is necessary for Attorney to provide legal services;

b. Travel to Attorney's office if requested and show up at any appearance where Attorney asks to be present;

c. Carefully consider Attorney's advice as to Client's Matter before making any major decisions;

d. Provide and maintain current and complete contact information to Attorney, including changes in residence, changes in jobs, changes to phone number or other electronic means of communication; and

e. Keep Attorney advised of any new developments or information that is relevant to Client's Case, including any court notices, letters from the opposing party, or other similar developments.

9. Grounds to Terminate. Client may terminate this Agreement for any or no reason, although Client still will be legally obligated under this Agreement to meet Client's obligation to Attorney, including the obligation to pay Attorney the agreed-upon attorney's fees to the extent it has been earned. Attorney may terminate this Agreement if, in Attorney's sole judgment, Client has failed to fulfill one of the Client's material obligations under this Agreement, or for other good cause, or for any other reason authorized by law (including the ethical rules that govern lawyers.)

10. Automatic Termination of Agreement. This Agreement automatically will terminate at the completion of the services requested.

11. Client's Informed Consent. Client has read this Unbundled Legal Services Agreement and understands all of its provisions. Client understands and accepts the limitations on the scope of Attorney's responsibilities identified above. Client understands that Attorney is not his or her attorney for any other purpose and does not have to provide any more legal help than what is agreed to above.

12. Confidentiality. by Vonnie C. Dones III, ESQ provides limited legal services pertaining to New Jersey and New York, and Federal law only. An attorney-client relationship with this practice is established only after a specific question has been posed to an attorney at this practice through a prospective client's personal login page and that question has been confirmed as received through a reply communication from an attorney at this practice. Prospective clients should be aware that our duties of confidentiality and the attorney-client privilege may not arise until an attorney has expressly communicated the ability to respond to that prospective client. Once you have provided us with your personal information, we will first run a crosscheck for any possible conflict of interest before accepting representation of your matter. We may decline to provide our services to you if a conflict of interest is discovered. All our records are securely retained in electronic files, along with secure backups, for the period of years required under New Jersey and/or New York law.

13. Integration. By affirmatively accepting this Agreement, an attorney/client relationship is created. This means that all communications with you will remain confidential and we may decline to give you advice if we have a conflict of interest. For example, if we find that we have already advised your spouse or business partner on a matter, or for any other reason set forth in the Rules of Professional Conduct.

I understand that I will have responsibility for filing my legal documents and proceeding as a pro se litigant. I have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the above, and I authorize you to prepare my legal documents, or provide me with legal advice, based upon these terms and conditions

I understand that there is no obligation or fee charged for registering as a client on this web site and becoming an on-line client of by Vonnie C. Dones III, ESQ.

I understand that once we provide services to you our fees are non-refundable, based on our Guarantee policy.

I have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the above, and I authorize you to provide me with legal advice and legal services, based upon these terms and conditions.

Service Description

Copyright is a form of protection grounded in the U.S. Constitution and granted by law for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Copyright covers both published and unpublished works. Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. Copyright does not protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation, although it may protect the way these things are expressed. Registration is recommended for a number of reasons. Many choose to register their works because they wish to have the facts of their copyright on the public record and have a certificate of registration. Registered works may be eligible for statutory damages and attorney’s fees in successful litigation. Finally, if registration occurs within 5 years of publication, it is considered prima facie evidence in a court of law. The practice of sending a copy of your own work to yourself is sometimes called a “poor man’s copyright.” There is no provision in the copyright law regarding any such type of protection, and it is not a substitute for registration.