We offer prospective clients in New York the following three sealing packages: (1) Attorney Standard Package, an attorney-drafted expunction petition with all supporting documents, (2) Attorney Standard Pro Package, with full legal representation, which includes, but not limited to, the mailing of your expunction documents, appearing in court on your behalf, and a written response to a prosecutor’s objection, (3) Order of Non-Disclosure Package, with full legal representation, which includes, but not limited to, the mailing of your sealing documents, appearing in court on your behalf, and a written response to a prosecutor’s objection, and (4) Juvenile Record Sealing, which includes, but not limited to, the mailing of your sealing documents, appearing in court on your behalf, and a written response to a prosecutor’s objection. Our Resource Center can assist you in determining which option is best for you. Our Resource Center provides answers to a number of clickable questions listed below. We provide you with a basic understanding of Texas Expunction andRecord Sealing Law, so that you can make an informed decision as to which package option is best for you. The Vonnie C. Dones III, ESQ. Resource Center is designed to provide general legal information and is not a substitute for legal advice provided by an attorney.


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