
5 Steps to a Divorce


Register and choose a document.

Complete Questionnaire

Fill out an online questionnaire.

Check Out

Checkout after completing the forms.

Attorney Prepares

An attorney prepares the forms and documents.

Documents Ready

Documents completed and ready for signature.

New York & New Jersey Lawyer Offering Online Legal Services For Uncontested Divorces. Starting at $199!

Need a divorce lawyer to handle your uncontested divorce? We got you covered! Vonnie C. Dones III, ESQ at LegalCleanup.com is a law firm that offers limited representation by handling parts of your case and in some cases, full representation by handling your entire case via the Internet. For $199.00, we will draft and prepare your uncontested divorce paperwork and provide you with detailed instructions on how to file with the appropriate court. For $349.00, we will draft, prepare, and file your uncontested divorce. You simply complete an online questionnaire and we handle the rest, for only $349.00 + court costs! We can help you with your divorce without the hassle of traveling to an attorney’s office. You receive the legal benefits, personalized service, confidentiality, and data protection of a traditional law firm for a fraction of the time and cost. Our cutting-edge, 24/7 web-based legal services are affordable, task specific, and easy to use. Our law firm can help you obtain an uncontested divorce at an affordable price!

Need a simple, fast, and inexpensive divorce?

img4Having difficulty understanding how to proceed with your divorce? We can help by providing you with a short online questionnaire that we will generate and assemble into divorce documents. An attorney will draft and prepare your paperwork to ensure accuracy!

Am I eligible for an uncontested divorce?

img2If you and your spouse agree on how to divide the marital assets and debts, child support, and custody and visitation rights, you may qualify for an uncontested divorce, if you meet the statutory requirements for residency, separation, and alimony (if applicable to your case).

Other Legal Services We Provide

We also provide legal services in the following areas: Corporations and LLCs, Deeds, Personal Injury, Consumer Law, Entertainment Law, Family Law and Divorce, Landlord-Tenant, Loans and Collections, Miscellaneous Legal Documents, Name Change, Personal Service Agreements, Sale of Goods, Wills, Power of Attorney, and Estate Planning. You complete our online questionnaire. We review your paperwork. You decide whether to file your court documents with the appropriate court for a reduced fee or have us do it all for you. You can save money and time! Other Legal Services >>

100% Money Back Guarantee

If we are unable to deliver what we promise.

Why choose Legalcleanup.com ?

Obtaining a divorce without any attorney-review or legal advice can lead to an undesirable outcome. Hiring a traditional law firm can be expensive. Going DIY (Do-It-Yoursef) without an attorney review or legal assistance is risky. However, using an attorney to review your divorce paperwork at the same price you would pay for a legal forms company saves you time, reduces stress, and gives you peace of mind knowing that you have attorney support. Don’t risk your documents being rejected by the court. Online legal services offered by Vonnie C. Dones III, ESQ. at LegalCleanup.com are personalized, affordable, and convenient for you!

Vonnie C. Dones, III, ESQ. offers an innovative model of delivering legal services online helping our clients save time and money. The difference between a traditional law practice and our firm is the WAY we deliver legal services. Our legal service delivery provides each client with a secure password-protected account called ClientSpace. After registering for a ClientSpace account, our clients can upload/download files securely, electronically sign documents, receive advice/information by e-mail or live web cam (e.g., Skype) pay invoices, and receive document review by an attorney all while sitting in front of their tablet or home computer. Your no-fault divorce paperwork can be ready for filing in no time! All credit card processing for online purchases and invoicing is provided by Chase Paymentech. Our discrete task legal representation reduces the costs of legal services. We provide a convenience and comfort that is long overdue. For $199, we will draft and prepare your uncontested divorce paperwork and provide you with detailed instructions on how to file with the appropriate court. For $349.00, we will draft, prepare, and file your uncontested divorce. You simply complete an online questionnaire and we handle the rest, for only $349.00 + $335.00 NY court fees (Index number = $210.00; Note of Issue = $125.00). You may qualify for a poor person’s waiver and be able to waive the filing fees, if you receive SSI or Public Assistance in New York. In New Jersey, the court fees are $300.00. Please note that if your spouse refuses to sign the divorce petition, we can hire a sheriff or a process server to deliver your divorce petition for an additional fee usually between $25.00 – $75.00. Get Started >>

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